Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

The Loyalty and Rewards solutions developed by USG Tech Solutions are committed to offering retailers with effective loyalty programs that are customized according to their customer requirements and values. Our loyalty & rewards solutions empower the retailers to drive loyalty during a customer lifecycle by creating programs that target both the existing and new customers to keep them coming back.

These solutions help in creating and retaining customer loyalty that is essential for increasing your business identity and its revenue. And all this comes due to the flexibility of our loyalty programs that are scalable enough to serve both the retailers and the customers segments with improved security and customer experience.

Easier Solution for Retaining and Driving Customers

  • No investment in infrastructure
  • Merchants rewards to strengthen customer relationship
  • Improved point values to reward the best customers

Wide Array of Loyalty Programs

  • Point based loyalty program
  • Coupon based white label loyalty programs
  • Tailored loyalty programs
  • Relationship and subscription rewards

Strategize Promotional and Marketing Campaigns

  • Rich MIS reports to analyse maximum spender
  • Continuous engagement
  • Base to device latest promotional campaigns